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Fixed Price Offer - 
Expression of Interest Form 

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Important information for landholders
Submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) is the first step to take if you are interested in participating in the BCT fixed price offer.

When an EOI assessment takes place, the BCT will prioritise EOIs for site assessment with the highest- ranking sites offered a site visit. Following the site visit, the BCT will confirm eligibility to participate in the fixed price offer and the values of your site will be quantified. Accepting a site visit does not commit you to participating in the program.

To be eligible, proposed sites must be in the eligible area (refer to fixed price offer maps) and contain:

Central and Eastern NSW
  • a minimum of 50ha native vegetation that supports threatened species habitat: or
  • a minimum of 20ha of a Threatened Ecological Community (TEC); or
  • an important wetland shown on the Directory of Important Wetlands of Australia, including Ramsar wetlands.
BCT staff will confirm the presence and condition of these conservation assets if you are prioritised for a site assessment. The conservation assets must be in moderate to good condition.

A separate expression of interest is required for each property or for each parcel of land that is owned by separate legal entities. The BCT reserves the right to limit site assessments for properties owned by the same legal entity.

Please complete the information requested as accurately as possible and contact the BCT if you require assistance filling out this form. For more information about the fixed price offer can call the BCT on 1300 992 688 or visit the BCT website at https://www.bct.nsw.gov.au/fixed-price-offers
To be eligible, proposed sites must be in the eligible area (refer to fixed price offer maps) and contain:

Western NSW (Western Land Division)
  •  a minimum of 500ha native vegetation that supports threatened species habitat; or
  • a minimum of 20ha of a Threatened Ecological Community (TEC), or
  • an important wetland shown on the Directory of Important Wetlands of Australia, including Ramsar wetlands
BCT staff will confirm the presence and condition of these conservation assets if you are prioritised for a site assessment. The conservation assets must be in moderate to good condition.

A separate expression of interest is required for each property or for each parcel of land that is owned by separate legal entities. The BCT reserves the right to limit site assessments for properties owned by the same legal entity.

Please complete the information requested as accurately as possible and contact the BCT if you require assistance filling out this form. For more information about the fixed price offer can call the BCT on 1300 992 688 or visit the BCT website at https://www.bct.nsw.gov.au/fixed-price-offers.

Section 1 of 3

Your details

Contact number
Please enter at least one number:

Property details

Associated with the property

Postal details

Section 2 of 3

Proposed conservation area

As shown on a Council Rates Notice.


Note: The BCT will confirm eligibility at site assessment

Validate your Lot and DP by typing in your property address using this map.

Management history
Please best describe the management history of the proposed conservation area

Select the most relevant description.

If there are parts of the proposed conservation area that differ in history, please enter these areas separately and estimate their respective area in hectares

Section 3 of 3

Publication of information

What information gets published?

If you enter into a conservation agreement with the BCT as part of this fixed price offer, the following information (including information you have provided in this form) will be disclosed on the public register of private land conservation agreements
  • whether the agreement is a biodiversity stewardship agreement, a conservation agreement or a wildlife refuge agreement, 
  • Unique agreement identifier 
  • The duration of the agreement 
  • The BCT Region in which the land to which the agreement relates is situated 
  • Funding status 
  • Date of registration on title 
  • Size of the agreement (hectares) 
  • Whether the agreement is an offset 
  • the local government area in which the land to which the agreement relates is situated, 
  • any Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia
Privacy Notice

Information from this form is collected for the purpose of administering the BCT’s Conservation Management Program, and consideration of your eligibility for the BCT’s other programs and future opportunities.

The BCT may use information provided on this form to contact you about those programs and opportunities.   The supply of this information is voluntary. However, if you do not provide the information, we will not be able to consider your application.

The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 may require the BCT to publicly disclose information you have provided in this form – for example, in response to an access application made under that Act.

Information from this form may be disclosed to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to assist with administering any agreement you enter into with the BCT as a result of this application and maintaining public registers.

Your details will be stored in accordance with the requirements of the State Records Act 1998 and securely destroyed once it is no longer needed.

Information will be stored and managed in accordance with provisions under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the BCT’s Privacy Statement. It will not be used for any other purpose and will not be given to any other third party except where required or authorised by law.

You may access or correct your personal information by contacting info@bct.nsw.gov.au or the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's Information Access & Privacy unit on 02 9860 1440 or privacy@dpie.nsw.gov.au.