Application for an Import/Export Licence

Fill out this form to apply for a biodiversity conservation licence under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 to import native animals into or export native animals out of New South Wales.

Making an application

If you want to import a native animal into New South Wales or export from the state, you must check whether the animal is exempt from import/export licensing requirements.

There are a number of native birds which you don't need a licence to keep in New South Wales. If you plan to import or export any of these native birds, you will not need a NSW import/export licence. For all other native animals, you will need an import/export licence. See the list of exempt bird species.

Interstate import and export licences are issued for a single consignment of the animal species specified on the licence for a maximum period of one month.

Import and export permits are available for all classes of native animals.

Make sure that the person in the other state, who you are importing from or exporting to, has the appropriate licence or movement permit from their state's animal protection agency. You need to provide details of the other person's licence or movement permit in this application.

Fill out this form to apply for a biodiversity conservation licence under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 to import native animals into or export native animals out of New South Wales.

Allow 14 working days for the processing of your application. Incomplete applications will be returned.

Privacy statement

This application form contains information that identifies you and is defined as personal information under the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

Your personal information is being collected for the purpose of processing and assessing your application for a biodiversity conservation licence under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017 or other instruments made under this Act. It is also being collected to allow the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to administer the licence scheme, including to carry out reporting, auditing and compliance.

The department will only use your personal information for a purpose that is consistent with these purposes. This includes contacting you from time to time about proposed changes to the licence scheme. Consistent with the purpose of collection, the Department may disclose your personal information to the third parties for the purposes of confirming information provided by you in this application, and for compliance and investigation purposes.

Your personal information may also be disclosed to a third party under an exemption under privacy law, including in circumstances where disclosure is required for a law enforcement purpose or as part of the investigation functions of an agency.

Your personal information will be held by the Department in a secure, government accredited database. You may access and amend your personal information by contacting the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment – email the Privacy Officer at or telephone on 9860 1440.

Public register

As required by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, a public register of biodiversity conservation licences will be published on the department’s website. The public register will not include personal information of individuals. Information about the location of plants and animals covered by licences will be restricted to postcode.


It is an offence to provide false or misleading information in applications and documents in connection with matters under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

Applicant details

(if applicable)

(include postcode)

Type and period of licence

Indicate the period the licence is required (maximum period one month). A licence is granted for one consignment only during this period. Make sure you allow sufficient time for your application to be assessed.

Details of interstate person from/to whom the animals will be imported or exported

(if applicable)

(include postcode)

List of native animals to be imported or exported


In the following days, you will receive a link via email to pay for your application. Look for the email with the subject, 'Follow the link to pay for your booking XXXXX for an Import/Export Licence'. This link is only valid for 24 hours.
