Murrumbidgee Valley - Stage 2 Public Consultation Submissions


We are seeking feedback on the draft Murrumbidgee Valley Floodplain Management Plan through Stage 2 public exhibition, including a formal submission process from 19 August until 29 September 2024.

Enquiries and assistance:

Please submit this form by 11.59pm (AEST) on 29 September 2024.

How to fill out this form

The publication Draft Murrumbidgee Valley Floodplain Management Plan – Report to assist Stage 2 public exhibition provides information that can help you to complete this submission form. 

To provide feedback on the management zones shown in Figure 3 in the report and on the interactive spatial map, we recommend you:

  1. take a screenshot of the relevant area/s displayed on the interactive spatial map
  2. use a drawing tool to illustrate feedback or refer to the area shown in written feedback
  3. save the screenshot of the map as an image file and attach it to your submission.

Important information about this form

You cannot save a draft of this form and access it later—you will need to create and submit the form in one session.

The fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and must be completed to submit the form.

After you have submitted your form, a copy of the submission will be sent to your email address.

If you have any questions about the submission form, please email:

Privacy and confidentiality

All submissions, including maps, received by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water will be reviewed and published. The department values your input and accepts that information you provide may be private and personal. 

When publishing submissions, including maps, the department will make every effort to redact personal and identifying information (your name will be published if you provide us with permission to do so).

If you want your name to be treated as confidential, please indicate this by ticking the relevant box below. 

Your information will be handled by the department in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Any personal information you provide in completing this form will only be used to inform the development of the Murrumbidgee Valley Floodplain Management Plan. We will not use or disclose the information for any other purpose, unless required or authorised to do so. 

If you would like to know more about how the department meets its obligations in collecting, storing, using and sharing personal information, you can read our complete Privacy Policy or Privacy Management Plan. 

If you wish to view or amend the information held by us, you can email us at, or contact the department’s privacy officer on 02 9860 1440 or at


Your details

Submission details

The following sections relate to the feedback we are seeking on the draft floodplain management plan as described in the Report to assist public exhibition. Follow the steps on page 1 to provide feedback on the management zones shown in Figure 3 in the Report to assist public exhibition.

The proposed management zones represent the hydraulic, ecological or Aboriginal cultural (or combination of) attributes of the land. Different rules and assessment criteria apply to each management zone. These reflect the nature of the area and consider the impact that a flood work may have on the movement of flood water, and risk to life and property.

For more information, please refer to Figure 3 and section 3 in the Report to assist public exhibition. For a higher resolution version of the proposed management zones, see the interactive spatial map.

Flood works in management zone A and SP will be restricted to specific types that are essential for the protection of life and property, or improvement of the floodplain. Each type of flood work permitted will be subject to size or height restrictions to minimise the impact on the passage of floodwater. 

For more information, please refer to section 4.1.1 and Table 1 in the Report to assist public exhibition.

All flood works in management zone A and SP will be assessed using the standard assessment criteria. Enhancement flood works will also be assessed using the hydraulic assessment criteria.

For more information, please refer to section 4.1.1 and Table 2 in the Report to assist public exhibition.

Additional types of flood works are permitted within management zone A and SP if they were constructed prior to the commencement of the draft floodplain management plan, subject to complying with the standard assessment criteria.

For more information, please refer to section and Table 2 in the Report to assist public exhibition.

Your submission 

Any type of flood work will be permitted in management zone B, subject to assessment using the standard assessment criteria. Larger flood works in management zone B will require advertisement and assessment using the hydraulic assessment criteria.

There is no difference in the rules and assessment criteria for flood works constructed prior to or after the draft floodplain management plan commences.

For more information, please refer to section 4.1.2, 4.2 and Table 2 in the Report to assist public exhibition.

Any type of flood work will be permitted in management zone C and CU, subject to assessment using the standard assessment criteria. Flood works that may have a significant impact on high value infrastructure will require assessment using the hydraulic assessment criteria.

There is no difference in the rules and assessment criteria for flood works constructed prior to or after the draft floodplain management plan commences.

For more information, please refer to section 4.1.2, 4.2 and Table 2 in the Report to assist public exhibition.

The draft floodplain management plan proposes three mandatory conditions that will apply to flood work approvals:

  1. After a flood work is removed, the area it was located must be returned to the height of the natural surface of the ground.
  2. Notice must be given to WaterNSW once a flood work is constructed. 
  3. Erosion must be prevented during the construction and use of a flood work.

For more information, please refer to section 5.3 in the Report to assist public exhibition.

The draft floodplain management plan sets out the circumstances when the plan may be amended in the future. Of note, it proposes to amend the plan before 1 July 2028 to include rules and assessment criteria that consider the effects of climate change.

For more information, please refer to section 5.4 in the Report to assist public exhibition.

Additional information

The following questions help us understand how effective our communication and engagement activities are in reaching our diverse community and stakeholders. This enables us to communicate more clearly and improve opportunities for everybody to have their say.