Your details

Insert your ful name

Insert organisation or corporation

Insert best contact number

Insert email address
Threatened Ecological Community details

Insert scientific name

Insert common name

Insert background information

Background on the species, including relevant listing history such as when was it listed and why, whether it is also listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), whether it is being managed under a Saving Our Species, or other project. Include any information from the Final Determination that is relevant to the SAII nomination.

General SAII information

Evidence supporting the listing of a principle

Principle 1

If the nomination includes addition to, or removal from Principle 1, add supporting information. Include all information required to support your nomination.

Refer to the Guidance to assist a decision-maker in determining a serious and irreversible impact for details on rapid rate of decline for an ecological community to be critically endangered by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Provide evidence of reduction in geographic distribution (Principle 1, clause 6.7(2)(a) BC Regulation) as the current total geographic extent of the TEC in New South Wales and the estimated reduction in geographic extent of the TEC since 1970.

Note: Please provide sufficient data to demonstrate that Principle 1 has been met and ensure that the data provided aligns with the time periods listed in the Guidance, i.e. 1750 or over 50 years.

For example, list of maps showing distribution, survey data, reports or publications, unpublished information, etc. Ensure details are provided on how the TEC has been mapped (the method (was it ground truthed, etc.) and who produced the map).

Note all written sources, published and unpublished.

Principle 2

If the nomination includes addition to, or removal from Principle 2, add supporting information. Include all information required to support your nomination.

Refer to the Guidance to assist a decision-maker in determining a serious and irreversible impact for details on very high environmental degradation or disruption of biotic processes or interactions for an ecological community to be critically endangered by IUCN.

Report the extent of reduction in ecological function for the TEC using evidence that describes the degree of environmental degradation or disruption to biotic processes (Principle 2, clause 6.7(2)(b) BC Regulation) indicated by:

  • change in community structure
  • change in species composition
  • disruption of ecological processes
  • invasion and establishment of exotic species
  • degradation of habitat
  • fragmentation of habitat.

Note: Please provide details on what the threats are to the TEC and what impact they are having, and ensure the data provided aligns with the time periods listed in the Guidance, i.e. 1970 or over 50 years.

For example, list of maps showing distribution, survey data, reports or publications, unpublished information, etc. Ensure details are provided on how the TEC has been mapped (the method (was it ground truthed, etc.) and who produced the map).

Note all written sources, published and unpublished.

Principle 3

If the nomination includes addition to, or removal from Principle 3, add supporting information. Include all information required to support your nomination.

Refer to the Guidance to assist a decision-maker to determine a serious and irreversible impact for details on very limited geographic distribution for an ecological community considered to be critically endangered by IUCN. Refer to the Biodiversity Assessment Method glossary for definitions of extent of occurrence and area of occupancy.

Provide evidence of restricted geographic distribution (Principle 3, clause 6.7(2)(c) BC Regulation), based on the TEC's geographic range in New South Wales according to the:

  • extent of occurrence
  • area of occupancy
  • number of threat-defined locations.

Note: Please provide sufficient data to demonstrate the principle has been met, and ensure the data provided aligns with the units of measure listed in the Guidance, i.e. km2.

For example, list of maps showing distribution, survey data, reports or publications, unpublished information, etc. Ensure details are provided on how the TEC has been mapped (the method (was it ground truthed, etc.) and who produced the map).

Note all written sources, published and unpublished.
