Your details
NPWS will issue a vehicle tag for this vehicle.
Details of access required
E.g. Royal National Park
Please include names of tracks, roads and rivers to be accessed and any other descriptions to accurately identify the location you need to access. If you need to provide a map, you can upload it here. Please ensure that your file is a single file (PDF or Word) not larger than 2MB. If the maps/materials are in hard copy only you can post a copy to: Commercial Fishing Access Application, NPWS, PO Box A290, Sydney South NSW 1232.
Other details
Certificate of currency
Please upload a copy of your certificate of currency for your public liability insurance. If the certificate is in hard copy only, you can post a copy to: Commercial Fishing Access Application, NPWS, PO Box 733, Queanbeyan NSW 2620.
Terms & conditions

Submit this form

Note that with this selection you are verifying that your application is true and correct and completed in full. Please click the "Submit" button to send your application to NPWS.