Before beginning this quiz, please ensure you have viewed all the images in the slideshow above.

Because Richard sold specimens from the same animal to two different people, he has made two transactions.
Because Richard sold specimens from the same animal to two different people, he has made two transactions.

Because Indira bought specimens of the same animal from George on two different days, she made two transactions.
Because Indira bought specimens of the same animal from George on two different days, she made two transactions.

Because Lin sold one specimen of an animal to one person and a specimen of another animal to someone else, she has made two transactions.
Because Lin sold one specimen of an animal to one person and a specimen of another animal to someone else, she has made two transactions.

Because Roger sold specimens from two animals to Faith and specimens from the same two animals to Zach, he has made four transactions.
Because Roger sold specimens from two animals to Faith and specimens from the same two animals to Zach, he has made four transactions.

Because Hannah has sold specimens from one animal and bought specimens from two other animals, she has made three transactions.
Because Hannah has sold specimens from one animal and bought specimens from two other animals, she has made three transactions.

Please contact the Wildlife Team at or 02 9585 6406 (select the option for Wildllife Team) for more information.
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