Advanced Class Native Animal Keeper Licence Application

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Application for a biodiversity conservation licence under Part 2 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 to keep native animals as pets.
Privacy notice

This application requests information that identifies you and is defined as ‘personal information’ under the Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998 (NSW) (PPIP Act). Supply of this information is voluntary, but your licence request may not be able to be processed if the information is not provided.

It is an offence to provide false or misleading information in applications and documents in connection with matters under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

The Department of Planning and Environment (the department) collects and manages the personal information you provide in accordance with the PPIP Act. Information supplied on this form will be used by officers of the department to assess and process your licence request. Your personal information, including any matters relating to your compliance with this licence may be disclosed to third parties for the purposes of confirming information provided by you, and for law enforcement purposes. The department will not otherwise use your personal information except for purposes listed as exemptions in the PPIP Act.

As required by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW), a public register of wildlife licences will be published on the department’s website, which may include certain personal information.

When you purchase, trade or export with another licence holder they are required to record and store details of those transactions, including some of your personal information. This information is provided to the department for information and compliance purposes, including randomly checking compliance. When you buy or sell to someone you must tell them that you are recording their information and that it may be provided to the department.

Personal information collected by the department will be stored securely and disposed of according to the Records Management Policy. You have a right to access to modify and/or update your personal information the department holds about you. For inquiries about privacy or access to your information, contact the Information Access & Privacy team on 9860 1440 or

Making an application

Persons wishing to keep native animals listed as ‘advanced’ class (birds class B2 and B3; reptile classes R2, R3, R4 and R5; and amphibian class A2) on the NSW Native Animal Keepers’ Species List need to obtain an advanced class native animal keeper licence.

Follow these steps:

1.    Read the 'Information' section below and complete all mandatory fields.

2     Submit the form and e-signature.

3.    Once you receive the e-signature verification email click the link within to verify your e-signature.

4.    Save your submission email and Receipt ID for your records.

5.    Make your payment based on your selection of credit card, cheque, or money order.

6.    Your application will be assessed and you will be notified of the outcome.

  • An applicant must be over the age of 18 years of age for any advanced class licence.
  • An applicant must demonstrate they meet required criteria before being granted an advanced class, or to apply for a higher category of licence.
  • To be eligible for a pensioner discount, you must provide pension card details.
  • If you have credit remaining from your current licence and are successful in your advanced licence application, that credit may be used towards payment of this licence.
  • Lodging an application does not guarantee approval of an advanced class licence. You will be contacted if further information is required to complete the assessment.
  • Allow sufficient time for your application to be assessed. It is recommended you don’t pay deposits to ‘hold’ animals while your application is being assessed. The department is not responsible for losses incurred prior to the approval of an upgrade application.

Select advanced classes

Select each class you are applying to add to your licence. You can apply for more than one advanced class. Only one fee is payable for each selected licence class.

Format: MM/YYYY

In the following days, you will receive a link via email to pay for your application. Look for the email with the subject, 'Follow the link to pay for your booking XXXXX for Advanced Animal Keeper Licence'. This link is only valid for 24 hours.
Species you wish to keep

If you wish to add additional species, click 'Add another species' above text on the right of the screen.

Applicant details

Residential address where animals will be kept

If the search is unable to find your address, you can free type this information.

State is incorrect
The state must be NSW to be valid.

Postal address

If the search is unable to find your address, you can free type this information.

Current licence

All the check boxes below must be ticked to proceed.

Note: It is an offence to provide false or misleading information in applications and documents in connection with matters under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.


Your application can only be assessed if you have addressed all the conditions and criteria for the advanced class licence(s) you are applying for. 

Advanced reptile non venomous, advanced bird, and advanced amphibian

To have a successful application you agree you can demonstrate the following:    


Please tick all the conditions below to ensure you comply:

You agree the area designated for emus on your property meets the following requirements:

Advanced reptile venomous, category 1, 2, or 3

To have a successful application you agree you can demonstrate the following:    


I hereby apply for an Advanced Class Native Animal Keeper Licence, a class of biodiversity conservation licence under Part 2 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, for the animal class(es) indicated by me to acquire and possess native animals as listed in the current year's NSW Native Animal Keeper Species List, or as otherwise published by the Department and:

If you wish to add additional attachments, please click 'Add another attachment' on the right. Repeat this until you have provided all your required attachments.

If you wish to add additional attachments, please click 'Add another attachment' on the right. Repeat this until you have provided all your required attachments.
If you require assistance


Wildlife Licensing, National Parks and Wildlife Service 

Phone: 02 9585 6406      

Please contact Wildlife Licensing for assistance


Wildlife Licensing, National Parks and Wildlife Service 

Phone: 02 9585 6406      


All mandatory fields must be completed before submitting.

After you click 'Submit' below, a new page will display. Please review all your responses and provide your signature on this page and click the 'Submit Signed Response' button.
*IMPORTANT - Ensure the State field in the 'Address where animal will be kept' section above is NSW and you have completed the reCAPTCHA verification*