Contact the Bradfield Development Authority
First name
Last name
How can we help you?
I would like to speak to someone about the AMRF
I represent an organisation interested in locating in Bradfield City Centre
I would like to get involved in the Industry Skills Accelerator
I am interested in other investment opportunities
I have a request for referral advice on planning matters
I have a general enquiry
Media enquiry
I have an accessibility issue with the Authority's website
I have an enquiry about the Authority's Privacy Policy
I would like to apply for formal access to government information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
I would like to report a suspected data breach involving personal information held by the Authority
Organisation / publication
Please enter your media enquiry below
Please enter your enquiry for the Industry Skills Accelerator team below
Please enter your enquiry below
Please enter your enquiry below
Please enter your enquiry below
Please enter your message below
Please enter your planning referral enquiry below
Company name / Organisation
Company website
Position / job title
How many people do you currently employ?
Please select...
Small business: 1 -19 employees
Medium business: 20-199 employees
Large business: 200+ employees
Industry sector
Please select...
Energy & Resources
Machinery & Equipment
Sports & Leisure
Professional & Scientific Equipment
Flight & Logistics
Food & Beverage
Company name / Organisation
Please enter your enquiry for the AMRF team below
Please enter your enquiry below
I would you like to receive updates about the Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility
Company / Organisation name
Company website
My role
Sector of interest
Please select...
Advanced manufacturing
Aerospace and defence
Circular economy
Freight and logistics
Health and education
If other, please specify
What we specialise in
How many people do you currently employ?
Please select...
Small business: 1 -19 employees
Medium business: 20-199 employees
Large business: 200+ employees
Briefly tell us your interest in investing in the WPC
Web address (URL) of the content
In what way is the content not accessible?
How can we assist you access the content?
How would you like us to contact you?
Privacy statement
Bradfield Development Authority
is collecting your information for the purpose of responding to your enquiry and/or signing up for updates.
We may also use the information to undertake observations or analysis, or to improve our systems and customer service. It will not be used for any other purpose or shared with any other agencies.
You do not have to provide your information but we may not be able to respond to your enquiry if you do not provide all the requested information.
Click here to read the Authority's Privacy Policy
Yes, I have read and understood Bradfield Development Authority's Privacy Policy
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