1.Purpose of application

List the native animals presenting a threat to safety, property damage or economic hardship and estimate the total number present and the number requested to be harmed to reduce the impact.

2. Applicant details

3. Property details

Methods of control

Examples of long-term solutions may include exclusion netting, floppy-top or other fencing, scare devices, gating, shelter, olfactory devices, blocking entrances into a roof cavity or chimney, roosting areas made undesirable or changing the way something is done to avoid conflict. Also see living with native animals.

4. Application for a general licence to harm

Complete the application for a general licence to harm if a person other than the landholder is required to carry out the authorised harm on the property. This licence is required as part of the landholder licence to harm native animals, is site specific and will be issued by the local NPWS Area office for the same period as the landholder licence.

Professional pest management operators with a non-site-specific licence issued by NPWS Wildlife Team and renewed annually may be used for some situations. For more information see catch and release licences.

5. Declaration by applicant

I the applicant, applying for this landholder’s licence to harm native animals, a class of biodiversity conservation licence under Part 2 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, acknowledge that it is an offence under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 to provide false or misleading information in, or in connection with this application and I state the information I have provided is true and correct. By signing this application, I also acknowledge I will be required to comply with conditions of my licence, and any other statutory obligations.

6. Declaration by nominated person for authority to harm

I, the nominated person for authority to harm a protected native animal acknowledge that it is an offence under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 to provide false or misleading information in, or in connection with this application and I state the information I have provided is true and correct. By signing this application, I also acknowledge I will be required to comply with conditions of the Licence, and any other statutory obligations.