Company details

(name must match the insured party on the public liability insurance certificate)

Public liability insurance

A copy of my public liability cover/certificate of currency is attached, including:

  • Public liability insurance for a minimum of AUD 10 million dollars ($10,000,000)
  • The public liability insurance names the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water as interested parties on the policy as per the following text:
    The Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 on behalf of the State of NSW ABN 27 578 976 844.

Please note that your application will not be accepted unless your public liability insurance:

  • names the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water as interested parties
  • is held by the company listed on the application.

Applicant contact details

Onsite contact details

Filming and photography locations and dates


Filming start/end

Wet weather contingency


Production description

(maximum 250 words)

Travel and lifestyle only

Travel and lifestyle productions must meet the relevant criteria as identified on the apply for permission for filming or photography in a national park webpage.

(check all that are relevant)


Please note: This relates to production vehicles only. Cast/crew parking must be arranged off-site as parking is limited.

Drone or remotely piloted aircraft use 

Before seeking approval from NPWS, you must make sure that you comply with Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) regulations and have registered your drone. Please also ensure you have also read the Drones in parks policy.

This is required.

This is required.

This is required.

Filming Aboriginal places or culture

Consultation with the relevant Aboriginal custodians to seek endorsement is required when filming Aboriginal cultural sites, Aboriginal people or aspects of Aboriginal culture.

Special arrangements or non-standard use

For example, exclusive use of an area, security, parking, camping or on-site accommodation.

Earthworks or other environmental modifications

Including clearing of vegetation, bringing rocks/soil/plants into the park, removal/relocation of rocks/soil/plants, erection of structures, use of unformed roads/tracks/trails or undeveloped sites.

Animals feature in the on-park filming production

Including the photography of marine mammals, use of park animals, disturbance of animals/habitat, bringing animal/s into the park (alive/deceased) or catching/trapping/releasing/relocating animals.

Prop vehicles

Staging, equipment, temporary infrastructure

Traffic and pedestrian management

Signs or advertising material will be erected for use on park

Including but not limited to posters, other advertising materials or traffic management signs.

Flammable substances or fires

Including explosives, pyrotechnics/special effects, such as smoke or sound.

Weapons use

Dangerous activities

Including, but not limited to, abseiling, rock climbing, activities near cliff edges, parachuting, hang gliding.

Digital or visual effects

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service representation 

Park location identification
