Online Native Animal Keeper

Record Book

You do not need to re-enter previously submitted information (e.g. via the previous e-book). Please use this form only for new records, that means information that you haven’t previously submitted.

Example: the last submission you made was on 15 May 2024 in the previous e-book. You have since then purchased 3 lizards and have not recorded these yet. You only need to enter these 3 lizards into the new e-book, not any of the previously submitted information.

If you leave this form without submitting, your data will be lost. Please ensure you hit ‘submit’ before leaving this form. If for any reason you cannot submit all your entries all at once, please submit your entries in batches clicking submit to finalise each batch as they are completed.


This should begin with 'AKL'

Residential address where animals are kept

If the search is unable to find your address, you can free type this information.
Please ensure you have a street number

State is incorrect
The state must be NSW to be valid.

Postal address
If the search is unable to find your address, you can free type this information.

Lodgement year

If you have already lodged for previous years, do not lodge again.

Species information

Received or disposed animals of this species


Number of this species received/disposed

Enter 0 if there were no animals of that sex

If the search is unable to find your address, you can free type this information.

To log more received or disposed animals of the same species 'Add more received or disposed animals of this species' just below the bottom right corner of this box.

To log more animals of different species please click 'Add more species' just below the bottom right corner of this box.

To add more lodgement years please click 'Add another lodgement year' just below the bottom right corner of this box.